• Friday, 7 February 2025

Warehouse has fertilizer, but farmers not getting it


Siraha, Jan 22: Fertilizer is hard to come by for farmers here even though the agricultural input is stocked in the warehouse of Lahan-based Agricultural Inputs Company Limited.

The farmers have not received fertilizers as the Madhes Province Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives has not determined the quota and quantity of fertilizers to be distributed to the local levels.

Branch manager of Agriculture Inputs Company Limited Lahan, Deepraj Poudel, said that the distribution of chemical fertilizers has been delayed due to non-consolidation of the quantity of fertilizers to be distributed to the local level by the Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives of Madhes Province.

"The concerned ministry has to write to the local levels for distribution of fertilizers based on the quota and quantity determined by the province government depending on the total area of the cultivated land. The problem is due to the delay in receiving the letter from the ministry. As soon as the letter is received, the process of fertilizer distribution will be initiated," he said.

The Lahan-based Agricultural Inputs Company distributes chemical fertilizers in Khotang, Okhaldhunga and Solu districts of Koshi Province and Siraha of Madhes Province.

According to Manager Poudel, the fertilizer has already been distributed in those districts of Koshi Province within the third week of this month since the Koshi Province government has already sent the letter specifying the quota and quantity of fertilizers to these districts.

Currently, the Company's warehouse has 500 metric tonnes of DAP and 700 metric tonnes of urea fertilizer in stock. However, the farmers have not received the fertilizer even during the 'peak' time for applying fertilizer to the wheat crop. (RSS)

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